Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust offers medical camps in India to provide medical aid and relief to those in need. By supporting us, you can help us continue to provide medical assistance and care to those who need it the most. Donate now to make a difference!
Q:(Traduit par Google) Je lis le rapport annuel 2020-21 de votre
Fiducie caritative Rathanidhi et prière à Dieu
reste béni
Hari Om Namah Sibaya Gangadhara Mahadev Apanakara Mangala Karantu🙏
Je lis chez Nana Palkar Smruti Sameti
I am reading annual report 2020-21 of your
Rathanidhi charitable trust & praying to God
Stey blessed
Hariom namah sibaya gangadhara Mahadev apanakara mangla karantu🙏
I am reading at nana palkar smruti sameeti
(Traduit par Google) Merci monsieur pour les bénédictions.
Thank you sir for the blessings.
RRatna Nidhi Charitable Trust
2 years ago
thank you..
RRajiv Mehta
2 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Récupérez-vous les livres que nous souhaitons donner à notre porte (Parel Mumbai) ?
Do you pick up the books which we desire to donate from our door steps ( Parel Mumbai)?
(Traduit par Google) oui, nous pouvons le récupérer à coup sûr. Merci
yes,,we can have it collected for sure.thanks
RRajiv Mehta
8 months ago
Reviews Summary for Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust
79 Reviews
Rohit Jerajani
June 07, 2024
Aayushi Dave
May 24, 2024
Ratna nidhi is just like it's name gem of treasury, the library at babulnath had great variety of books and the membership was affordable and you could borrow books for reasonable price and the staff was also very sweet, now the library is been relocated to gujrat, I really hope to have a branch of ratnanidhi in mumbai please keep a branch at mumbai so that more people will get the chance to gain knowledge through the books